Friday, August 13, 2010


I have mixed emotions on what I about to tell you. I'm not sure that I am ready for this yet. But here I go... Ethan is already starting not to need me! And I know that this is only the first of many things to come, but still it breaks my heart a little.

For the past couple of months Ethan and I have had an on going battle over who is going to feed him. He would always try to grab hold of his bottle during feedings. The problem was that he still had the spazzy arms so if I ever let him take control, within seconds Ethan would have thrown the bottle across the room. So usually I would take his hands off the bottle and then distract him with something else to hold on to.

Lately he has had a lot better control over his arm movements. Plus he is getting so strong I fear that I would break his arms if I tried to pry them from the bottle. So I have given in. I get him started and then he takes over.

He holds it high.

He holds it low.

Although it has come in handy on those nights when he feels the need to wake up at 4:00 a.m. All I have to do is sit there with my eyes closed and just listen for him to cry. That means that he is either finished or that he has gotten distracted by his feet-his new favorite toy.

So here's to you Ethan and to step one on your path to independence.



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