Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just for Fun!

I haven’t done a good job of keeping up with the blog lately. So I thought I would share one big post about what Ethan has been up to lately.

Ethan loves to read! Anytime he gets his hand on a book he will lay on the floor to read it. Adorable!

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Here is Ethan getting in his daily work out. I think this kid can do more pushups in one day then I have ever done in my entire life.


Lunch time is always more fun for Ethan when Mommy has planned bath time for dessert. (And that is avocado, not what you are probably thinking it is.)

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My little shopper. The other day Ethan came out of my room with a bag around his arm. It was hilarious. He just dragged it with him all throughout the house. 

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I’m not sure what this one is about. He is probably mad at me for putting him to bed. He hates nap time now that he knows how to sit up and stand up in his crib. And Hey, do you see those two teeth? His bottom two are in and the top two just broke through this week.


This is almost a daily occurrence in our home now. Ethan loves to open and close doors. He frequently will close a door and get stuck in a room all by himself. Then he will sit directly behind the door crying, because he wants to get out. Luckily we have hard wood floors. I gently push on the door, as the door pushes him back far enough so I can get in the room to rescue him.


My sewing helper. He loves to push on the pedal as I sew.


My mess maker. We have finally started gating him in so I can do things like go to the bathroom without him destroying the house while I am gone for two seconds. He now loves to pull himself up on the toy shelf just to dump everything off of it. At least it is a contained mess.

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I know these pictures are blurry, but they tell the story perfectly. Ethan loves to sing his ABC’s. He always sways back and forth as we sing. He even tries to sing along. He is always so proud of himself afterwards. He gives himself a be round of applause.

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Carla said...

Look at that cute big boy! Way to go Ethan!


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