Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Six Months

Weight- 19 lbs- 75%
Height- 29 in- 96%
Head- 18 in- 93%

I cannot believe that it has already been 6 months. Time has flown by. My little boy is not so little anymore. He really chubbed up this past month.

Well my child totally rocks, but what mother doesn't think that. He is so much fun. He may be one of the happiest babies around. He is ALWAYS smiling. Again, this is my first so I am assuming all babies are like this, but people are genuinely shocked at how happy and smiley he is.

He is on the move- not crawling though. He rolls around all of the time. Front to back. Back to front. He plays this little game where he will roll onto his stomach, lay there for a minute and then start fussing like he is stuck. Every time, without fail, if I walk over to him to help him out he will immediately roll onto his back and start laughing like haha I tricked you mom. He also does the upside down crawl. While laying on his back he uses his legs to scoot all over the place. The other day I found him half way under his crib with only his little feet sticking out. It was hilarious. I wish I had taken a picture. Although a few days later I thought how scary that would have been if he had made it all the way under his crib and I had come in to find my child missing. At least I know where to look now if that ever happens.

He still sleeps like a pro. The kid sleeps 12 hours a night. Plus he takes at least three, hour and a half naps a day.

He is ridiculously scared of random loud noises. I cannot vacuum, use the blender, or flush the toilet if he is near by. So that means public restrooms are off limits with random toilets flushing and watch out if someone ever uses the hand dryer. We also can't get excited while watching sports games. Hopefully he grows out of that someday.

He loves to blow bubbles with his tongue. He loves to shake his head no. He loves to laugh.

His favorite toys are my hair, my phone, anyone's hands and the wii remote. It is a wonder why we buy him toys at all.

And he officailly sits up now. About 3 weeks ago he decided he was going to do it. Before he would only do it sometimes. But he now loves to sit up.

And that’s Ethan!


Carla said...

Adorable! How fun is it to see these little ones grow up?? Too fast, definitely. But so much fun. And I love that he has passed Eva in size. It's incredible how he has just grown. Wish we were closer so the cousins could all play.

Jennie said...

Wow, he really did chunk up this past month. He weighs almost as much as Warren. What a cutie.


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