Monday, June 6, 2011

Official first word…

Ethan’s official first word goes to BALL! He loves his ball. He has a basketball, soccer ball and football. The basketball is his favorite, but he has at least one of the three in his hands at all times. It goes with him everywhere!

In the car…

2011-05-28 10.18.42

At the grocery store…

2011-05-28 11.13.19

While eating dinner at a restaurant…

2011-05-28 19.59.58

On bike rides…


While climbing the stairs…

2011-06-02 18.17.56

Even while longing for mom to take him outside. He LOVES to be outside!


This one was funny. He got so excited when he saw his ball in the mirror. Then he went on and on for five minutes just talking to his mirror friend.

2011-05-14 12.21.13

This ball picture is my personal favorite.

2011-05-13 19.56.41

But I think if Ethan could choose, this one would be his favorite. It has all of his favorite things in one picture. Daddy, blanket, bottle, and of course his ball!


I can ask, “Where is your ball?” And he will go and find it, no matter where it is.

I don’t let him sleep with it, but I usually leave it on the floor next to the crib and most mornings his first word is ball. He points to the ball on the floor, and all he wants is for me to get him out of his crib as soon as possible so he can get that ball back in his hands.

I knew he liked balls, but I wasn’t sure he actually knew what they were for. Then the other day Aaron turned on the NBA finals and Ethan got so excited. He couldn’t stop pointing to the T.V. and saying ball, ball, ball over and over again. Aaron was hoping for a baseball player, but maybe we have a future basketball player on our hands.

He has a mini basketball too. Yesterday, I let him take it to church, but then he started chucking it at the people sitting behind us. I don’t think balls we be allowed at church anymore.

Ball really is the only word he knows. He has a few other words in his vocabulary, but I’m not sure he really knows what all of them mean yet.

  • He can say Hi and Bye. He doesn’t always use those at the right times.
  • He also says mom. I’m still not sure he really knows what that means.
  • He says “Oh Mo!” anytime he drops anything. Then he gets this pouty face.
  • He goes “awe” anytime he sees his blanket. In fact he actually drops to ground to snuggle with it every time he comes across it. It is adorable.
  • He says baba for bottle.
  • He goes vroom for a toy car.
  • He barks anytime he sees or hears a dog. Or a squirrel.
  • He goes “woooow” anytime he sees a hanging light or a ceiling fan.

But ball definitely wins as the word said most everyday. No doubt about it, we definitely have a boy on our hands.

2011-05-28 11.14.27


Jen christensen said...

Funny! Claire is also completely obsessed with balls. It's probably her favorite thing too. Too bad these guys aren't in the state to play ball together.


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